Norma Pat

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Norma Pat

Norma Pat was born sometime in the 1960s (exact year is a lady's secret) into wealth and high society in an estuary in Florida. Her beaver lodge is a huge, opulent mansion on the beach, which she never goes to. She wouldn't want to get sand in her jewel-encrusted shoes. She enjoys spending time with her beaver friends at the lavish resort lodge, collecting gossip to hold over people's heads. She enjoys throwing shade while resting in the shade. Norma Pat is like a beaver dam in that way, holding back a flood of secrets and keeping everything in order.

You could say that fancy parties are her natural habitat. Norma Pat is constantly going to fundraising dinners, galas, and soirees, so she is always surrounded by festive music and dancing. She's the eye of the hurricane, calm but waiting to strike. She is always found draped in the most posh clothes and dripping with luxurious jewelry. She dines on only the finest wood, champagne, and caviar, harvested from Ellerbe Creek, of course. She is the queen bee-ver of her social circle, which is full of secrets, drama, and intrigue. Norma Pat is at the center of it all, calm as a lion tamer, while chaos and crime swirl around her. She's a beaver tamer, if you will.

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